by Stephanie Veillon | Apr 10, 2024 | Hydra-Shield
This article originally appeared on in an article written by Vivian Fullerlove. You can see the original article here. “Installing the Custodian on our hydrants saved the City enough money on manpower, repairs and water to pay for the program.”—...
by Heidi Austin | May 28, 2019 | Hydra-Shield
NEWARK, N.J. (AP) _ The spray of an open fire hydrant – for generations, an escape from urban summer swelter – is going the way of such lost childhood pleasures as marbles and mumbletypeg. Newark is among a small group of cities that have turned to The...
by Heidi Austin | May 28, 2019 | Hydra-Shield
City’s hydrants getting new lock Gary Washburn, Tribune staff reporter CHICAGO TRIBUNE Vandals bent on opening fire hydrants will have an increasingly tougher time as the city steps up installation of a new generation of locking devices, according to Chicago...
by Heidi Austin | May 15, 2019 | Hydra-Shield
40th Anniversary We would like to thank all our distributors, vendors, and customers for supporting our company and products for 40 years. Hydra Shield has been doing business in the water and fire industry since 1979. Over the years, we have secured many fire...